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The Skilled Nominated (Subclass 190) visa is a permanent state or territory sponsored visa. People who have an occupation on the relevant skilled occupations list and who obtain a suitable skills assessment for the occupation may be eligible to apply.
To be eligible for the Skilled Nominated (Subclass 190) visa, your occupation must be on the relevant skilled occupations list, and you need to be under 45 years of age when invited to apply.
There are further requirements to satisfy for the grant of a Subclass 190 visa including with respect to health and character.
When submitting an Expression of Interest in SkillSelect, you will get an estimate of your points score. If you score enough points, a state or territory government agency might nominate you for the visa and invite you to apply.
Each state and territory government has its own nomination process and specific criteria for deciding whom they will nominate. Those criteria and nomination processes of the different states and territories are invariably based on policy and subject to change with or without prior notice.
If you intend to apply for a Skilled Nominated (Subclass 190) visa, you should obtain a suitable skills assessment.
Proof of skills assessment may be accepted for medical practitioners who have an unconditional or general medical registration with the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (‘AHPRA’), or conditional specialist registration with AHPRA that authorises them to practice in their speciality.
For legal practitioners, skills assessment requirements may be met by evidence of admission to practice law in an Australian state or territory.
You must show that your English language proficiency is at least at the Competent level in order to be granted a Skilled Nominated (Subclass 190) visa.
To show that you have Competent English, you need to provide evidence that you are a citizen of the United States of America, Canada, the United Kingdom, New Zealand or the Republic of Ireland.
Alternatively, in the 3 years immediately before you apply for the visa, you must score sufficient points in one of the following English language tests:
You must score at least 65 points on the points test to be eligible for the Subclass 190 visa. However, the states and territories may specify that a higher points score is required for certain occupations.
If you are invited you to apply for the visa, you must show evidence of the claims you made in your Expression of Interest including with respect to your points score.
Points are allocated for factors such as your qualifications, skilled employment in Australia and overseas, English language proficiency, age, and nomination by a state or territory government.
Points may also be awarded based on specialist education qualifications, accreditation in a community language, study in regional Australia or low population growth area, partner skill qualifications and professional year in Australia, or by meeting the Australian study requirement.